CategoryDev Diary

Dev Diary Updated for UWP and Android – iOS Coming Soon

Woo! Another update out for Dev Diary and here is what’s new:

Windows 10 (UWP) Version

  • Added shortcut to open articles in browser


Android Version 1.1

  • Added support to save app to SD
  • Added shortcut to open articles in browser


Aside from the obvious “fixed minor stuff”, the list is a little short but as you might guess, the app for iOS is on its way out! That’s right! It has already been submitted and soon those of you on an iOS device will be able to download the app 🙂

So just to go through real quick, with a shortcut you can now open articles in browser if you’d like (some prefer this and that’s cool) or make it a little easier to share articles (SPOILER: Feature coming soon!)


Stay tuned for cool updates coming out real soon.


Download for Android

Download for Windows 10 (UWP)

All-New Dev Diary Released!

Just about a week ago now we launched an all-new version of our Dev Diary app for Windows Phone to replace the existing (unstable) version that was made by FollowMyFeed.Net (which appears to finally be down, so great timing huh?)

From the last post about the status of the Dev Diary app, we mentioned that it was going to be made from scratch, from the ground up. So you’ll noticed the UI is much cleaner and simpler, and it should show the direction we are planning to go with the app.

Also I would like to announce Dev Diary for Windows! Yup, you know that means, Dev Diary has been turned into an Universal app! The best part of rebuilding this app has not only been able to take advantage of some of the cool Universal app projects but also to provide better quality and better features.

So look out for more updates in the future as we continue to enhance the app.

You can download the apps below:

Windows Phone

Windows Store

Enjoy! More coming soon.

Dev Diary Updated to


Dev Diary app produced by has been updated!!

This update actually went live about a week ago, just wanted to announce some of the things we were hoping for in this update.

  • Stability
  • Reduced Notifications
  • Better Quality

Seems FollowMyFeed does not support Windows Phone 8 or newer, that being said this is probably the last update from them that we will release.


Please download the app below:


I’m currently looking into developing our own reader from the ground up so that we can provide better support and quality and not have to worry if a third party is keeping their service up to date.


All that said, we were able to at least update the app with up to date assets so it looks much better and current 🙂

More coming soon!!

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